Name | Type | Description |
shape |
| Changes the svg glyph displayed in the icon component. Defaults to the 'unknown' icon if
the specified icon cannot be found in the icon registry. |
size |
string | xs | sm | md | lg | xl | xxl
| Apply numerical width-height or a t-shirt-sized CSS classname |
direction |
up | down | left | right
| Takes a directional value that rotates the icon 90° with the
top of the icon pointing in the specified direction. |
flip |
horizontal | vertical
| Takes an orientation value that reverses the orientation of the icon vertically or horizontally' |
solid |
| Displays most icons in their "filled" version if set to `true`. |
status |
neutral | info | success | warning | danger
| Changes color of icon fills and outlines |
inverse |
| Inverts color of icon fills and outlines if `true`.
Useful for displaying icons on a dark background. |
badge |
neutral | info | success | warning | danger | inherit | warning
| -triangle | inherit-triangle} |