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Forms are input controls and groups of input controls manage the collection and submission of data from your user to the application.


Forms are comprised of control components such as checkboxes, dropdowns, input fields, radio buttons, toggle switches and more. Forms that are easy to complete increase the quality of the response from the user. Clear and simple forms help prevent mis-understanding and incorrect data submission by the user.

Form Length

Forms should only be as long as necessary. Reviewing each form input and eliminate unnecessary controls by asking whether you could obtain the information in another way, or at a later, more convenient time. Only include controls that are required. This will free the user from needing to decide which controls need their attention. If a control is optional find a more natural place and time to collect that information and keep it seperate from the required data.


Clarity offers three types of forms: horizontal (our recommended default), vertical and compact. Use these three layouts to adapt the form to a variety of conditions that can affect the users submission experience. Some conditions to consider when chosing a form alyout are:

  1. Narrow or mobile screens
  2. Very wide screens
  3. Embedded forms into one section of a page layout


Default Horizontal formats are good for the quick scanning of labels, and can be used in cases of limited vertical space. The space between label and input however can slow users down.

Enter your full name. Select one option. Tell us about yourself. Where is the right place?

Vertical & Vertical Inline

This option is better for scanning, mobile experiences, accessibility, and localization. While it offers better completion rates, it is less ideal for longer forms.

Enter your full name. Select one option. Tell us about yourself. Where is the right place?
Enter your full name. Select one option. Tell us about yourself. Where is the right place?


For cases with highly limited space, we provide a compact form layout.

Enter your full name. Select one option. Tell us about yourself. Where is the right place?

Form Controls

Input Grouping

Grouping will make scanning easier. A form with more than 6 inputs will likely have inputs that can be grouped together, like “address”: street, city, zip, county, country, etc.

For the grouping of labels and their input fields, we recommend grouping labels closely with their respective input fields.

Put labels in close proximity to their input controls
Put labels in close proximity to their input controls.
Space labels out far from their input controls
Space labels out far from their input controls.

Form Elements

Radios, Checkboxes, and Select Box For inputs with 3 or more options, you may use radios, checkboxes or select boxes. We recommend placing your options vertically in one column to make it easier to scan.

Radios and checkboxes are used when it is helpful to compare options within the context of the form, as all selections will be visible at all times. Select boxes typically have more than 7 options that do not need to be compared with each other.

Error Message Styling When showing error inputs, highlight the input field with red in some way, but also pair the red with another visual indicator, like an icon. This will help with accessibility.

Place icons outside the input field
Place icons outside the input field. This will also help avoid browser and third-party app collision conflicts.
Don't Put icons inside the input field
Don't put icons inside the input field. If inside, account for changing form value space (increase characters).


Validation and Error Messaging

You also want to let users know when something is wrong with the information provided.

Error Message Behavior

For most cases, validate when the user leaves the field (onblur). Invalidating fields while users are still typing can be frustrating.

There are some cases where real-time validation can be helpful, such as inputs with sensitive field value lengths (like tweets), or when users return to an error field and successfully edit the error field, or for password fields with visible password strength criteria.


Error Message Location

We recommend displaying error messages within the same area where the error occurs.


Error Message Content

Humanize the error messaging as much as possible. The content should provide clear guidance on how to fix the error. Avoid unrecognizable system error messages like "code 500 error". You may also consider using more than one error message when helpful. For example, if an email address input field has an error, consider either showing “please enter an email address” for a blank field, or “email address needs an ’@’ symbol followed by a domain” for an invalid symbol.

Forms Accessibility

For screen reader accessibility, forms with validation messages should provide a descriptive message on how validation messages will be triggered. The .cds-sr-only class will hide content and only make it visible for screen readers.

Clarity form controls are built with cds-CONTROLNAME-group elements. These elements are used to build in the accessibility needed to make Clarity forms accessible. While it is control dependent, the containers enable screen readers to be aware of errors both on the control itself and in the form as a whole. They enable the behaviors that describe controls with their respective labels that in an accessible way.

Without the cds-CONTROL-group parent the forms and form controls are not accessible.

Helper and validation messages

All fields should be assumed to be required. Clarity does not support a required input treatment for labels (which often comes in the form of an * by the label). The recommendation is to focus your forms to include only required fields, and if a field is optional then you can describe it as such in the label like (Optional).


Helper message


Helper message


Helper message

Custom and non-Clarity Controls

Applications often have form controls that are not supported by Clarity directly. To make these controls work nicely with Clarity, you can wrap them in a generic control container. Regardless if you make your own form controls or import a third party control, the generic container should help make your controls more consistent.