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This content is for the @clr/angular package. Internationalization information for the @cds/core package can be found in storybook. Read more

Easily translate internal Clarity text into multiple languages.

Internal language strings

Clarity has a list of text strings that it uses internally for things such as icon alt text or button text. When possible, Clarity avoids using text strings that have to be translated, and rarely changes this list. Any Angular application that needs to support multiple languages can create a different translation and use it for each language.

In order to improve accessibility of its components, Clarity added a default English title to all icons or non-text interactive elements internal to its components. In order to internationalize them we rely on a ClrCommonStringsService service that allows you to provide localized strings for your entire app, which will override our default titles.

How to Localize

First, you need to make a new object that has a key value pair for each string you want to localize. If you are making full translation use ClrCommonStrings. If you only need to define some of the strings then you can use Partial<ClrCommonStrings>. Then Inject the customized strings into the service.

It is possible to call the ClrCommonStringsService.localize() method at anytime and change the translation. You could call a backend service to load these translation strings as well and then update them on the fly when a user changes translations in your app.

Localization Strings

The list of strings available to configure can be found by simply looking at the declaration of the ClrCommonStrings interface, which is found below.

Property Name Purpose
open Open button text
close Close button text
show Show button text
hide Hide button text
expand Expandable components: expand caret
collapse Expandable components: collapse caret
more Overflow menus: ellipsis button
select Selectable components: checkbox or radio
selectAll Selectable components: checkbox to select all
previous Pagination: previous button
next Pagination: next button
current Pagination: go to current
info Alert levels: info
success Alert levels: success
warning Alert levels: warning
danger Alert levels: danger
rowActions Datagrid: row actions icon alt text
pickColumns Datagrid: show and hide columns icon alt text
showColumns Datagrid: show columns title
sortColumn Datagrid: sort columns title
firstPage Datagrid: pagination first page button text
lastPage Datagrid: pagination last page button text
nextPage Datagrid: pagination next page button text
previousPage Datagrid: pagination previous page button text
currentPage Datagrid: pagination current page button text
totalPages Datagrid: pagination total pages button text
minValue Datagrid: minimum value (numeric filters)
maxValue Datagrid: maximum value (numeric filters)
showColumnsMenuDescription Datagrid: screen reader only description of the Show/Hide columns menu
allColumnsSelected Datagrid: screen reader only confirmation that all columns were selected
loading Display loading text (Default: Loading)
datepickerToggle The open/close button for a datepicker
datepickerPreviousMonth The button that navigates daypicker to a monthpicker
datepickerCurrentMonth The button that navigates a daypicker to current month
allColumnsSelected Datagrid: screen reader only confirmation that all columns were selected
loading Display loading text (Default: Loading)
singleSelectionAriaLabel Datagrid: aria label for header single selection header column
singleActionableAriaLabel Datagrid: aria label for row action header column
detailExpandableAriaLabel Datagrid: aria label for expandable row toggle button
alertCloseButtonAriaLabel Alert: aria label for closing alert
datepickerOpen The open/close button for a datepicker
datepickerPreviousMonth The button that navigates daypicker to a monthpicker
datepickerCurrentMonth The button that navigates a daypicker to current month
datepickerNextMonth The button that navigates a daypicker to the next month
datepickerPreviousDecade The button that navigates a yearpicker to previous decade
datepickerNextDecade The button that navigates a yearpicker to next decade
datepickerCurrentDecade The button that navigates the yearpicker to current decade
datepickerSelectMonthText Populates aria-label and title for monthpicker button. Is concatenated with the (localized) value for calendarMonth as well as this value
datepickerSelectYearText Populates aria-label and title for yearpicker button. Is concatenated with the (localized) value for calendarYear as well as this value
daypickerSRCurrentMonthPhrase Used in an aria-live region. Makes up one part of a phrase that is read to screen reader users when the month changes.
daypickerSRCurrentYearPhrase Used in an aria-live region. Makes up one part of a phrase that is read to screen reader users when the year changes.
daypickerSRCurrentDecadePhrase Used in an aria-live region. Makes up one part of a phrase that is read to screen reader users when the decade changes.
stackViewChanged Stack View: describes a particular stack block has changed
verticalNavToggle Applies expanded/collapsed state to an aria-expanded attribute for screen readers when vertical nav button expands/collapses the entire menu
verticalNavGroupToggle Applies the expanded/collapsed state to an aria-expanded attribute for screen readers whenever vertical nav group buttons are expanded/collapsed
signpostToggle Applies the aria-label value to the signpost trigger.
timelineStepNotStarted Used in the aria-label for the not started step icon
timelineStepCurrent Used in the aria-label for the current step icon
timelineStepSuccess Used in the aria-label for the success step icon
timelineStepError Used in the aria-label for the error step icon
timelineStepProcessing Used in the aria-label for the processing step icon
dategridExpandableBeginningOf Beginning of expandable row
dategridExpandableEndOf End of expandable row
dategridExpandableRowContent Describe expandable content region
dategridExpandableRowsHelperText Provide helper text related to expandable rows Accessibility limitation inside the Datagrid


If you used the original implementation of ClrCommonStrings found in versions prior to v1.2.1 and v2.1.1, you need to follow these steps to update to the new API that is used from v1.2.1 on in Clarity.

First, remove the provider from your AppModule. It should look something like the following.

Second, convert your string service class to an object. This is optional but makes for easier formatting. If you skip this step, you'll have to create a new instance of your class to convert it to an object.

Finally, you can now inject the ClrCommonStringsService into your AppComponent and pass in the localized strings, as shown above.

The previous implementation was broken because unless each application declared the provider themselves, none of the localization strings would remain after a production build and tree shaking. The refactoring that was done keeps the defaults inside of Clarity so they do not get removed, and allows applications the ability to still provide custom language strings for localization.