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v4 Changelog

4.0.16 Released 2021-07-23

This is a bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Angular Datagrid fix: styles selectors fixes for datagrid and select (backport) #6152

4.0.15 Released 2021-05-06

This is a bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Combobox Angular Prevent combobox from firing double open event with clrOpenChange when navigating away with the tab key #5887
Password Angular Keep invalid password input from changing its width unexpectedly when focused #5790

4.0.14 Released 2021-03-04

This is a bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Form Angular Assign correct described-by id to form input and control helpers #5740

4.0.13 Released 2021-03-04

This is a bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Stack View Angular Tab navigation skipped for children when stack-block is not expanded #5655
Combobox Angular Combobox popover not repositioned after selection #5654
Form Angular Disabled radio button style #5652

4.0.12 Released 2021-02-18

This is a bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Combobox Angular Combobox fixes - set id, prevent double event on Esc, fix click-to-close, prevent focus-error #5618
Alert Angular Vertically center text in alert #5622
Datagrid Angular Fix issue with datagrids in forms with checkboxes #5587

4.0.11 Released 2021-02-04

This is a bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Combobox Angular Combobox no list reset on blur #5490
Combobox Angular fix: combobox options exception on null values #5488
Utility Angular Reorder link styles so :hover will have effect even on visited links #5466
Utility Angular Turn-on strictTemplates for Angular #5465

4.0.10 Released 2021-01-21

This is a bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Badge Angular Fix color for status badge-warning #5259

4.0.9 Released 2021-01-07

This is a bug fix release that addresses issues in Angular components.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Progress bar Angular Fix looping progress bar in firefox #5413
Combobox Angular Display placeholder text #5416
Datagrid Angular Allow apps to disable focus management on page change #5386

4.0.8 Released 2020-12-07

This is a bug fix release that addresses issues in Angular components.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Tree view Angular Consolidate cdr for simultaneous children #5362
Combobox Angular Simplified control state management #5347

4.0.7 Released 2020-11-26

This is a bug fix release that addresses issues in Angular components.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Dropdown Angular Fixed dropdown unlisten method so that it only runs after initialization #5326
Combobox Angular Combobox selection issues fixes and a11y improvements (1) #5307
Combobox Angular Combobox selection issues fixes and a11y improvements (2) #5275
Combobox Angular Combobox selection issues fixes and a11y improvements (3) #5282
Combobox Angular Combobox selection issues fixes and a11y improvements (4) #5199

4.0.6 Released 2020-11-12

This is a bug fix release that addresses issues in Angular components.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Datagrid Angular Updating data grid CSS to use flex-start to improve support and remove PostCSS warning #5232
Checkbox Angular Checkbox/toggles had wrong label color #5226
Datepicker Angular Fixed underline issue with datepicker #5009
Datepicker Angular Fixed alignment issue with datepicker #5146
Datagrid Angular Fixed focus trap issue with the hide/show columns panel in datagrid #5097
Datagrid Angular Added aria attribute to hide/show columns panel in datagrid #4754
Combobox Angular Fixed issue with combo box where single-select selection could not be cleared #5128

4.0.5 Released 2020-10-29

This is a bug fix release that addresses issues in Angular components.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Input Angular Fix input width issue #5222
Icon Angular Fix accessibility issues with clr-icon involving title and aria-hidden #5220
Datagrid Angular Fix placeholder position #5139
Datagrid Angular Remove column a11y name override #5179
Signpost Angular Put header before contents to fix DOM/a11y tree order #5165
Combobox Angular Fix disable openClose button #5163
Form Angular Mark only blurred control as touched instead of whole form #5159
Datagrid Angular Fix skipped change detection cycle on select #5157

4.0.4 Released 2020-10-15

This is a bug fix release that addresses issues in both Angular and Core components.


Scope Project Description Issue
Icon Core Allow custom icons to be added from icon template #5434

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Combobox Angular Update combobox pill design #5145
Datagrid Angular Fix datagrid filtering with ivy off #5119
Accordion Angular Fix css variables applied to the component #5113
Tag Core Improves default core tag implementation #5112

4.0.3 Released 2020-10-01

This is a bug fix release that addresses issues in both Angular and Core components.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Input Angular Fix clr-input-wrapper max width #5099
Datagrid Angular Make datagrid header sticky no matter how many rows #5080
React Core Allow className to be passed down to the underlying component #5072
Documentation Website Fix icon download svg #5086
Documentation Website Fix broken link in website documentation #5066

4.0.2 Released 2020-9-17

This is a bug fix release that addresses issues in both Angular and Core components.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Datagrid Angular Datagrid: trackBy items by provided trackBy option #5056
Datagrid Angular Datagrid: correct way of assigning clrDgSelectable #4996
Range Core Range input layout #5050
Button Core Typo in button react wrapper #5048
Datagrid Angular Double event on selection #5046
Datagrid Angular Pane was losing state when rows update #5036
Stepper Angular Updated panel property to match stepper panel for TS 4 #5037
Alert Angular Sync child alerts when slot changes in alert group #5033
Form Angular Display the correct error when validating #5025
Form Angular Export form layout enum for strict typing #4999
Modal Core Fix modal exception #5019
Form Angular Handle TypeError when calling triggerStatusChange #5007
Token Core Remove unnecessary position on layout #4998

4.0.1 Released

This is a bug fix release that addresses issues in both Angular and Core components.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Modal Angular Corrected DOM order of close buttons in modals #4083
Stack View Angular Removed unnecessary aria-label on expand/collapse SVG in Stack View #4525
Datagrid Angular Fixed issue with Angular assigning inputs for @clr/angular components that are not ready #4977
Datagrid Angular Removed min-height from datagrid header to prevent overlapping data #4978
Modal Core Added focus trap to @clr/core modal and check for hidden to prevent hidden focus traps #4968
Documentation Core @clr/core documentation improvements #4967
Accessibility Core Fixed accessibility issue with @clr/core icon button #4966
Modal Core Fixed issue with close button wrapping in @clr/core modal header #4965
Utility Core Ensure required property exists before throwing a warning with @clr/core property decorator #4985
List Core Fixed margin issue with @clr/core lists inside of layouts #4964
Tag Core Added a disabled state for @clr/core tags #4974
Button Core Improved support for anchor tags and @clr/core button elements #4975
Schematics Angular Fixes for @clr/angular schematics #4980

4.0.0 Released 2020-08-19

This is the official 4.0.0 release, which is fully compatible with Angular 10.

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Vertical Nav Angular Hide vertical nav helper button from screen readers #4799
Tabs Angular Fix tab content width in IE11 #4804
Form Angular Fix potential undefined error in form control error message #4817
Wizard Angular Set aria-current in wizard steps #4905
Stepper Angular Handle possible exception in stepper with unknown first panel #4904
Accordion Angular Fix border on last accordion panel when opened #4873
Datagrid Angular Reverted a change in 3.1.5 that tried to fix Ivy compatibility but cause potential memory leak in some uses of Datagrid #4888
Wizard Angular Removed unnecessary inline style on wizard button #4851
Combobox Angular Fix Combobox focus indicator animations #4918
Form Angular Fix form success and helper messages hiding when they should be visible #4917

4.0.0-rc.1 Released 2020-07-15

Stability was the goal for this release, where a number of bugs have been fixed and everything has been checked before we target a stable release soon!


Scope Project Description Issue
Accessibility Angular Allow shift+tab in focus trap to rebound for accessibility #4758

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Form Angular Form control placeholder color and opacity updated for accessibility #4461
Form Angular Fix some Angular form controls that don't get marked as touched #4767
Datagrid Angular Fix compatibility issue in Datagrid when Ivy was disabled #4788
Popover Angular Fix popover toggle behavior that broke arrow key events #4774
Datagrid Angular Fix missing border on Datagrid detail pane with limited rows #4791

4.0.0-rc.0 Released 2020-07-07

Introducing the new Combobox component! The Combobox is a significant form control that allows you to define searchable select lists with dynamic content and options. No more breaking changes will occur in v4 after this release, and works with Angular 10 stable.


Scope Project Description Issue
Combobox Angular New Combobox form component for creating dynamic and complex searchable inputs #4286

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Datagrid Angular Fix datagrid placeholder to work with a screen reader #4735

4.0.0-next.0 Released 2020-06-17

Clarity moves forward with a new prerelease for the upcoming Clarity v4 milestone. There are a number of breaking changes and improvements for this version, which will only work with Angular 10 and TypeScript 3.9.


Scope Project Description Issue
Datagrid Angular Support Datagrid column resizing with keyboard for accessibility #4535
Datagrid Angular Support Datagrid expandable rows for accessibility #4163
Form Angular Success helper text in forms #4565
Form Angular Form input group support #4403
Build Angular Update to Angular 10 Breaking Change #4556

Bug Fixes

Scope Project Description Issue
Color Angular Update several colors for accessibility Breaking Change #4707
Datagrid Angular Fix z-index so column switcher is above modals #4693
Popover Angular Fix possible undefined error when opening a popover synchronously #4470
Datagrid Angular Fix selection for server-driven Datagrids in some uses #4645
Alert Angular Fix alert text width in IE11 #4557


Scope Project Description Issue
Accessibility Angular Remove internal use of ClrAriaLiveService Breaking Change #4687