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The password field is a specialized input field with the ability to toggle between the masked field or to view the password in plain text.


Use a password field when the user needs to set or input the password.

When setting a password, display the password requirement in the helper text to guide the user. Don’t hide it a in signpost, or reveal it only after the user fails the first attempt.


Use 8 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers & symbols


Use when interactive and ready for input.

Use 8 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers & symbols


Use when selected by a user with an input method, such as mouse or keyboard.

Use 8 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers & symbols


Use when not interactive. For example, when a user does not have permissions to edit the input.

Use 8 or more characters for your password


Use to communicate a user or system error. This validation can happen when the user moves away from the input or after attempting to submit a form. For example, invalid input or username already taken.

Password meets requirements


Use to provide real-time feedback immediately after a user’s input. For example, username available.


Passwords are available in vertical, horizontal, and compact layout. Vertical Password layouts can have improved usability in addition to the general guidelines when the message text is used to display requirements. See more layout guidelines on the form page.


message text


message text


message text